Ambulance Service

Emergency Service

Professional & Care Provider



North East Cancer Hospital And Research Institute ( NECHRI ) is designed to house specialist doctor armed with the latest diagnostic equipment for clinical assessment of every patient. Each Patient shall undergo evaluation by a team of super specialist doctors to ensure no aspect of disease or treatment options is left unexplored. Visiting super specialist who are authorized in their chosen fields holds consultations and performs surgeries and other therapeutic procedures at regular intervals at the institute

Dr. Munindra Narayan Baruah

Managing Director And Head OF Research Division 

Dr. Raj Changkakoty

Director And Chief Radiologist

Dr. Jumi Borgohain

Director And Chief Radiation Oncology

Dr. Dhiren Kumar Nath

Dy Superintendent And And Head And Neck Oncology 

Dr. Robin Gohain


Dr. B.D Talukdar

Surgical Oncology

Dr. Prandweep Hazarika

Surgical Oncology

Dr. Abhishek Dewra

Head And Neck Oncology 

Dr. Rajib Kr Das

Department and Other Details,

Dr. T.N. Sonowal

Department and Other Details,

Dr. Bhaskar Deka

Department and Other Details,

Dr.Sandeepa Datta

Dental Oncology