Ambulance Service

Emergency Service


North East Cancer Hospital And Research Institute ( NECHRI ) is the first comprehensive Cancer Care Centre of its kind In North East India under private enterprise. Spread Over a sprawling campus of 10,000 square metres and nestled in the lap of green hilly landscape, the Institute is barely 5KM away from Khanapara, the southern extremity of Guwahati; and strategically located to cater to patient traffic from all the north Eastern States, conveniently avoiding the congestion and vagaries of city Traffic. North East India ha e the highest burden of cancer patients in India. Public awareness being poor, most cancer are identifies very late. Facilities and expertise for timely diagnosis and treatment have also been so far very limited in the region. These inadequacies have led to a common belief that cancer is incurable in this region and have consequently resulted in a steady trickle of patients to centres outside the state for treatment. Besides global scale, environment and lifestyle related factors projects cancer as the next global epidemic. Given the current scenario, North East Cancer Hospital And Research Institute is poised to act as a platform to address all needs of the masses right from early diagnosis to past treatment rehabilitation with a highly professional and empathic approach. The Institute is recognises by UICC (union For International cancer Control) Geneva.

Our Mission

  • Provide comprehensive, cost effective, standardised and state of the art services for diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and follow up to our patients at pas with the best in the country.
  • Highlight and promote the concept of “Cancer Prevention” among the masses.
  • Promote programmes and campaigns to ensure detection of cancer in early stages, identify and warn high risk population groups. 
  • Campaign against active use of tobacco in all forms 
  • Give hope to terminally ill Cancer patients in the form of pain and palliative care. 
  • Promote and encourage educational and research activities in the field of Cancer.

Our Commitment

  • To Respect the dignity and wishes of our patients in all our interaction with them.
  • To deliver the best possible care and therapy to them in the safest possible manner keeping the best interest of the patient in mind.
  • To promote an optimal environment aimed at imparting a healing touch to the patients and their family already burdened with the mental agony of dealing Cancer.
  • To develop a work culture based on sound principles and ethics so as to ensure that the entire staff of the Institute can function as a Cohesive team and perform to the best of their ability


We are a recognized referral hospital for the diagnostics and treatment of cancer by the state governments of assam, arunachal pradesh and nagaland. We are also empanelment for cancer treatment and diagnostics by the PSU’s like Oil India LTD., ONGC, NEEPCO, NEF Railway, Numaligarh Refinery, Reserve Bank of India, Airport Authority of India, ESIC, Coal India LTD., Central Warehousing Corporation and by various insurance companies and TPA’s.